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Feb 14, 2021
Day 14: Forever Valentine
He LOVES me like no other, yet it is so hard to receive when you have never experienced LOVE before that is like the LOVE you are trying...

Feb 12, 2021
Day 12: The Whole Picture
Just because you only see HALF doesn't mean it isn't WHOLE. There is so much more beyond what you see because the moon is still the moon...

Feb 11, 2021
Day 11: No Way My Way
I have my plan BUT YOU have your plan~ "Be still and know,_______* (Put your name) that I am GOD" (Psalm 46:10). I have my thoughts BUT...

Feb 10, 2021
Day 10: Perfect Unity
GOD wanted it more than anyone else, so HE sent JESUS who also wanted it more than anyone else. UNITY~ "There is neither Jew nor Gentile,...

Feb 9, 2021
Day 9: Your Story
It begins right now... Once Upon a Time there lived a little boy/girl named ___________*(Put your name) who was knitted together in...

Feb 8, 2021
Day 8: Forever Home
She is a woman of great strength and you wonder how could she be as she had experienced such grief & loss in her life, yet she kept...

Feb 7, 2021
Day 7: Weekend God
What if GOD took off weekends? Who would be with you, ______,*(put your name) wherever you go? (Joshua 1:9) Who would guard your...

Feb 6, 2021
Day 6: Be Still
The trees are so STILL as they are awaiting the morning sun. They haven't been this STILL as the winds have been hard on them. And when...

Feb 5, 2021
Day 5: Closer Trust
I feel closer to GOD than I have very felt before because I have been drawing closer to GOD and I can't get enough of HIM. In the lonely...

Feb 4, 2021
Day 4: Just Say Yes
GOD answers your prayer with a YES yet it feels so weird because you are not used to hearing YES because lately you only have been...
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